Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mint With A Hole

A heart-shaped hole in a mint leaf found while plucking a bunch of them for the kitchen, a little before World Environment Day. The earth calls out for love!


Unknown said...

lovely pics! thanks isa!

Isa said...

thank you.. what you thanking me for!

Unknown said...

for being who u are! coz u r perfect! ;}

while that statement holds true, its not why i thanked u... the photos made me smile and i am grateful for that...

Maaz bin Bilal said...

hey nice pics...
so what does solos loqui mean?> i speak alone?latin is it?

Maaz bin Bilal said...

Oi, I am waiting to find out what solos loqui means... please reply!

Isa said...

Maaz, i think it's something like that. Not bothered about the exact meaning, I think more or less that's what i meant..
Anyway, may change it soon!